How To: Draw basic figures for fashion design sketches

Draw basic figures for fashion design sketches

Consider a normal and ideal height for a girl in 5feet 8inches in height. The book of Andrew Loomis is a good guide for drawing realistic human figures. It explains the body proportions, techniques, drawing the parts, human movements, and poses of the body.
These are the important steps to be followed in Fashion sketching:
1. First use a scale of 9 units. Draw the head in an oval shape in normal direction. Draw neck and its pit.
2. Draw horizontal lines for shoulders and place the bust in correct angle.
3. Draw parallel lines for waist and hips.
4. After the horizontal angles, mark correct location for knees and legs. Same way for arms and hands also.
5. Now proceed to draw masses in the figure, i.e. torso, hips, thighs and legs.
6. While drawing never concentrate on the outline of the sketch or on the body parts. Just look at the border terms. See that the figure is completely blocked before the garments are sketched.
7. See that the hips are raised on the sides to support the body weight. The legs should always be stiff and straight.
8. If you get confused about the proportions of the figure, refer the charts. Use the line of balance as guide to check it. Compare the distribution of weight on the left with the right.
9. Always sketch your figures freely in a loose and easy manner and check one proportion against the other.
Following these tips will help in easy and free sketching.

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