Hot Fashion Design How-Tos

How To: Make a sailor-style bikini bathing suit

See how to make your very own nautical-themed bikini bathing suit with this fashion designer's guide. Though you might find the process daunting if you've never made a bathing suit before, it's easier than you'd think. So easy, in fact, that this video tutorial can present a complete overview of the process in just over five minutes' time. For detailed instructions, and to get started making your own sailor girl bikini, take a look.

How To: Make a belt out of zippers

This video shows how to make a simple and stylish belt out of three zippers, a square of wool, and a glue gun. For those who are not skilled at sewing, there is no sewing required in the making of this belt. Taking the hot glue gun, place glue lengthwise along the back of the middle zipper and glue the top and bottom zippers to the middle one. After this is done, get a large square of fabric such as wool and glue the ends of the 3 zippers to the fabric. This fabric will serve as the location ...

How To: Embellish a sweater by adding a bejeweled collar

In this Fine Art video tutorial you will learn how to embellish a sweater by adding a bejeweled collar. This will be a great Christmas gift idea. Take a short sleeve sweater and cut out its neckline on a piece of paper. Take a piece of woolen cloth of matching color, pin the paper cut out to it and cut off the woolen piece. Place the woolen cut out on the neck of the sweater and arrange some jewels on it. Then with a hard glue gun apply hard glue to the back of each jewel and stick it. You ca...

How To: Create artistic T-shirts with Avery iron-on transfers

The pen doesn't have to stop on the paper. Your art masterpiece doesn't have to stay on the canvas. You can share your favorite drawings with everyone, right on your own chest. Wear your art designs with pride by using a scanner/printer, a photo editing application, an iron, and Avery iron-on Dark Fabric Transfer paper. And don't forget your tee shirt.

How To: Make realistic cosplay chakrams for Axel for under $30

In this clip, learn how to make incredibly awesome chakrams for Axel on a budget. These props can be made for under 30 bucks and look perfectly realistic. In part one of this tutorial, you will learn all about how to put your chakram together and in part two you will get to see the final product. Follow along and learn how to put this piece together and add the finishing touches to your cosplay costume.

How To: Straighten and spike wigs for anime cosplay

In this clip, learn how to fix up a wig for cosplay. You will get a step by step that offers a ton of tips and advice for costume wig care. Learn how to spike and straighten a wig for your summer conventions so you can really look the part. This particular wig is inspired by Zelgadis but works for basic punky wigs as well. So, save some money and reuse your wigs over and over by learning how to care for and re-style them

How To: Make a chic fabric sleeve for your coffe cup

In this clip, you will get a double lesson. You will learn how to create a cute sleeve for your coffee cup out of fabric so you don't burn your hands as well as a homemade stitch marker with a fun heart design. The sleeve is not only stylish, but also saves all that cardboard you waste every day at places like Starbucks. So, follow along and make your very own accessories to help you get on with your day in style.

How To: Make a complete duct tape wallet with an ID holder

You know those little clear pockets in your wallet that perfectly fit your driving license or school ID card? Didn't think you could get them in a homemade duct tape wallet, did you? Well, think again! In this clip, you will learn how to make a complex wallet out of tape including credit card slots and a see through ID holder. Follow along and get started.

How To: Tie dye cool clothes

Express your colorful personality with the power of tie die! Turn your boring plain colored t-shirts from solid colored to multi-colored by tie-dying your way to becoming a fashion plate! In this video, learn how to tie dye your clothes to make something new, from something old.

How To: Make a duct tape flashlight holder

This handy video for the DIY duct tape enthusiast teaches you how to make a fun, quick, easy flashlight holder out of that most versatile of materials: duct tape. The presenter in this video uses the flash new zebra-patterned duct tape, but you can use the more basic grey if you want to save money and go with a more restrained look.

How To: Sew & make a t-shirt

The t-shirt is arguably the most basic part of modern Western fashion. Billions of people around the world wear them every day for ease and comfort. This two-part video will teach all you sewing fans out there how to sew your own t-shirts at home. You can then use these techniques to make other t-shirt based garments like t-shirt dresses and whatever other t-shirt-like clothing that you can imagine. The fabric is the limit!

How To: Recycle your t-shirt fabric scraps into new clothing

If you sew a lot, your probably have a massive quantity of old fabric scraps lying around. This four-part video will teach you how to recycle those strips into all sorts of fun textile projects. These include a quilt, tie-dye strips, and notebook covers for your children's (or your) books for school. No matter what your tastes, there is probably a cool fashion recycling tip for you in here.

How To: Make a multi-colored duct tape wallet

Why buy a brand new wallet when you can make one? And out of duct tape! Take the original duct tape wallet idea and kick it up a notch with help from this tutorial presented by Seasonal Science on how to make a multi-colored duct tape wallet. Show off your unique style at school with this unique accessory!

How To: Make flying shoes! Or at least, shoes with wings

Have you seen the Addidas JS Wings kicks? They are sick, done in gold sheen with removable wings attached to make you look a little more like Mercury. If you don't have $175 dollars to drop on these kicks, this video from Threadbangers will teach you how to make your own pair of shoe-wings at home out of simple materials, giving you all the style of the real deal without giving up a two days pay.

How To: Make old t-shirts into tote bags

If you have kids, chances are you also have a pile of t-shirts that said rapidly-growing little ones have outgrown. Rather than throw them out or donate them, make them into something new! This video from Threadbanger will teach you how to sew two old t-shirts into a fun new tote bag. It will be soft, durable, stylish, and free!

How To: Make a birdhouse

Making a birdhouse is an art-and-crafts project as old as shop class. This video from Threadbangers demonstrates how to make one quickly and easily at home out of wood at your home with simple tools. It is a rather simple end-product, but that should make it easier for beginners.

How To: Make a web credit card holder with duct tape

Duct tape artists are known for their adherence to straight lines due to the difficulty of making more elaborate shapes in the medium. For advanced duct tape artists looking for a challenge, this video will teach you how to create a spider-web-like design as part of a credit card holder into which the cards will go. If you have the chops, this is a very cool effect sure to impress all of your fellow DIY duct tape aficionados.